Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Computer network topologies

There are different network topologies that we can use to connect network devices to each other.

Bus network topology

In this network topology, we use a bus – usually a copper cable or an optical fiber cable to connect between network devices. This bus connects to the network devices through connectors that exit from it.

Ring network topology

In the ring topology, we connect every network device to its neighbor devices;in order to make all thenetwork devices form a ring.

Mesh network topology

In the full mesh topology, we connect every network device to all the network devices that exists in the network.The advantage of this topology is the very high redundancy that it has Very high redundancy means that, if a path to a certain device became unavailable, there still an alternative path that can be used to reach this device.

The disadvantage of the full mesh topology is that, it requires extensive number of connections between the devices.

Partial mesh topology

In the partial mesh topology, every device is connected to some of the devices that exist in its 
network, not all devices like the full mesh topology.
The partial mesh topology requires fewer connections than the full mesh topology, which is 
considered an advantage. However, its redundancy is less than the full mesh topology.

Tree network topology

device B’ is a central device, called the ‘hub device’, while ‘device A’ and ‘device C’ are called the  ‘spoke devices’.

In this topology, the spoke devices talk to each other through the hub device.

The disadvantage of this topology is that, if the hub device became unavailable for any reason, the
communication between spoke devices will not be possible. This is called ‘single point of failure’.

Star network topology

This is the most widely used network topology.
In this topology, we use a central networking device to connect between all the end devices.

Hybrid network topology

This topology contains more than one of the previously illustrated network topologies connected to  each other.

An example of this topology is connecting a star network topology to a ring network topology.

Friday, November 8, 2013


IP address are of two types-
Public and private.
PUBLIC IP ADDRESS- They are meant to routable (used for internet), they are registered and paid too. 
PRIVATE IP ADDRESS- They are meant to non-routable, unregistered and available free of cost.
IP addresses are divided into five classes—

A to E
Private IP addresses are declared-
Range of Private IP addresses—
  1. A- to
  2. B- to
  3. C- to
  4. D-  Used as multicast address only
  5. E-  Reserved for research and documentation. 

    The range of first octet (public +private)—
    A- 1-126 
    B- 128-191 
    C- 192-223 
    D- 224-239 
    E- 240-255
    Note- Usable IP address classes are A to C. DEFAULT SUBNET MASKS
    Subnet masks are assigned to with IP address of its classes, they are very important. 


 Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting: A system developed by Cisco to provide network security. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A&B bit signaling

 Used in T1 transmission facilities and sometimes called “24th channel signaling.” Each of the 24 T1 subchannels in this procedure uses one bit of every sixth frame to send supervisory signaling information. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Based on the IEEE 802.3u standard, 100BaseTX is the 100Mbps baseband Fast Ethernet specification that uses two pairs of UTP or STP wiring. The first pair of wires receives data; the second pair sends data. To ensure correct signal timing, a 100BaseTX segment cannot be longer than 100 meters.


Based on the IEEE 802.3u standard, 100BaseT is the Fast Ethernet specification of 100Mbps baseband that uses UTP wiring. 100BaseT sends link pulses (containing more information than those used in 10BaseT) over the network when no traffic is present. 


Part of the original IEEE 802.3 standard, 10BaseT is the Ethernet specification of 10Mbps baseband that uses two pairs of twisted-pair, category 3, 4, or 5 cabling—using one pair to send data and the other to receive. 10BaseT has a distance limit of about 100 meters per segment.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

End-to-End Communication

 Connection Less Transmission

 UDP is used

 Not reliable


 Connection Oriented Transmission

 TCP or SPX is used


Connection Oriented Protocol

        These protocols relies on Acknowledgement.
        Positive acknowledgement means data has been received.
        Negative acknowledgement means data is lost no further
data is sent till positive acknowledgement is received.
        It is slow but Reliable.
        E.g.. TCP and SPX
Connection Less Protocol

 They do not provide acknowledgement neither sequence numbers.

 It is faster but not reliable

 E.g.. UDP and IPX


 This is a mechanism wherein the data is divided into
multiple segments and sent over the network.

 By doing this different segments can use different links for
traveling across the network.

 If one segment is lost the only segment is required to be
re-sent and not the entire data.

 Once all segments reach to the destination the received
segments have to be sequenced back, which is also done at
transport layer.